What God will do when we seize His opportunities

Seized Opportunities (a report from Lorri Goode on her recent Mexico missions trip)

We serve an amazing God!  He proved Himself mighty over and over as we gave of our feeble efforts to Him over 6 days in Mexico.  We hosted a women’s retreat, served at a women’s prison, spent time with and encouraged Mexican and American leaders in their   leadership roles in various ministries in Ensenada and surrounding areas.  The schedule was demanding at times, yet God gave strength to serve when the need and the opportunity arose.  He seemed to show up and produce life-change at every turn despite our insufficient attempts at times.

I had the opportunity to teach one of the sessions at the retreat, which is a huge stretch for me, as well as praying over many women in many different situations throughout the week.  I was humbled by the number of times God showed up, gave me the words, or used me despite my words, in healing, encouraging, restoring and renewing hope in the women I was privileged to spend time with.  And in the process my faith was increased, and I was inspired to trust my God in a deeper and greater way.  Each time I go on a mission trip I am impressed to bring the experience home, to exercise the same dependence that is required as we serve in a foreign country.  This particular trip has increased my confidence in the power of God through prayer, has raised my awareness of God’s concern for the poor and needy, and has proved my need for tenacious obedience to God.  I love how God brings it all together and gives us opportunity to practice what we’ve learned and proves our faith to be true.  Reading through the New Testament this fall as well as studying “Daniel” on Tues. mornings, the Mexico Outreach trip, and the recent Advent Project have all connected to bring real change and growth in me.  My perspective is different, I am giving time and money more sacrificially as I depend on God daily for guidance and for the power to do what he’s called me to.

Thank you, MOPS moms, for giving toward our trip and allowing the Spirit to work in each of your lives so that God can work in others lives. The Storybook Bible’s were wonderfully received at the women’s conference, and we saw children treasuring them and reading them the next morning at church.  What a blessing this will be in their homes, and who knows how many lives will be changed by your simple obedience to God’s call to give? Thank you, too, for the purses and shoes that were donated, these women have very little opportunity for a pair of new shoes or a new purse.  The comment was repeatedly made that they felt special and loved.  You were a part of that. What a privilege to witness life transformation around our world!

One thought on “What God will do when we seize His opportunities

  1. Sarah says:

    What a testimony of God’s faithfulness and power! I loved your comment about “tenacious obedience.” Thanks for being a voice to spur us all on in love, faith and obedience.

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